Friday 13 June 2008

A fish is born

Ok......bored of breaking even on Pokerstars I've decided to create a blog to alleviate the bordom and to try and figure out what I'm doing wrong.

I've been running pretty horrendously recently....losing to runner runner full houses when I have sets and having AA outdrawn about 20 (actually that many) by stuff like AQ, 33 and K10....It's quite amuzing in a way because instead of outdrawing me with a set, low pocket pairs tend to hit full houses or even quads to make it even funnier....

Buuuuuuut, I'm clearly doing something wrong to not be gaining money....but as far as I can surmise I'm playing in exactly the same way as Tony who is generally on a steady incline.

I'm playing $3.00 10 man sngs at the moment....the quality of play is pretty dire, but I still only win enough to stay even.

So let's hope that posting here somehow aids me in seeing what's going wrong.....

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